Adventures in Freeform Peyote Challenge
Reveal Day
I'm very glad I heard about this challenge and was able to participate. I love off-loom bead weaving and have always been in awe of those that do freeform so beautifully. I had only tried freeform once before several years ago when I was learning bead weaving stitches, so this feels like my first freeform project.
Above is the soup I chose to start my adventure in freeform. The herringbone twist in the center was something I was playing with a while ago and I decided to use this as the center or focal in my freeform piece. At this point, I decided to make a bracelet. |
Here is my bracelet after a couple of rows. I was loving the feel of it already and couldn't wait to see what it would transform in to. It really did feel like a fun adventure!
Next are a few photo's of the finished piece
It didn't turn out like I had pictured it in my head but it was a lot of fun and a great adventure in learning and getting a feel for freeform. I made the loop a tad too small to fit the button clasp so I will need to find one a bit smaller. I'm not sure I am even finished with this. I might keep adding to it and make it wider. I love the challenge of making a balanced piece while beading freeform. I now have more freeform projects in mind and can't wait to have more fun with this technique!
A big thank you to Karen and Mandi!
- Below are links to visit the "adventure guides" and "inspired adventurers" -
now I'm off to see what everyone else made